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Commu : WTO asbestos dispute (an important correction)

RECTIFICATIF  : l’OMC n’a en fait PAS condamné l’interdiction de l’amiante (asbestos). Toutes mes excuses pour vous avoir induits en erreur.

(…) ruled that the French Decree, prohibiting asbestos and asbestos-containing products had not been shown to be inconsistent with the European Communities’ obligations under the WTO agreements (…) Source : WTO website

« The World Trade Organization has upheld a French ban on asbestos imports from Canada, allowing for the first time an exception to free-trade rules in the interest of protecting health. »  Source :   Health Tops Free Trade in WTO Ruling (International Herald Tribune / NY Times, June 2000)

En français :   Amiante : l’OMC avale son chapeau libre-échangiste (Le Monde Diplomatique, juin 2000)

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