Home » EM 2 » EM2 : Dessicant enhanced evaporative cooling (DEVap)

EM2 : Dessicant enhanced evaporative cooling (DEVap)

1. Principle : listen to the audio file   …   (The Economist, Keeping cool and green (extract), July 15th 2010)

2. Watch these videos :

  • NREL video  (Have a look at the NREL website – The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a laboratory of the US Department of Energy)

Called the « Oscars of Innovation », the R&D 100 Awards recognize and celebrate the top 100 technology products of the year.                                    2012 R&D 100 Winner : DEVap.

3. The articles we read together :  An energy-saving air conditioner (MIT Technology Review) + New AC system… (Science Daily)

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