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Info 2 : Does this ring a bell ?

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Safari and Chrome aren’t the new IE6 — chill out!
By Grant Brunner on November 20, 2012

Internet Explorer 6 was a plague. Not only was it extremely dominant in the web browser market, but it also highlighted a very dark time for Microsoft as a company. IE6 accomplished Microsoft’s infamous embrace, extend, and extinguish strategy, but it also allowed Microsoft to become stagnant. Since Gecko- (Firefox) and WebKit-based (Chrome, Safari) web browsers have really taken off, Microsoft has quickly moved to rectify the problem. IE9 and IE10 are much faster and more standards-compliant than previous efforts, but Microsoft’s corporate culture taints the way it views the current browser market.

It’s clear that Microsoft sees WebKit as a threat — specifically in the mobile space. Due to its almost complete domination of the smartphone (Android and iPhone) and tablet (Android and iPad) markets, this has even caused some people to accuse WebKit-based browsers of becoming the entrenched, stagnant stalwart that IE6 once was. The reality is that WebKit is not, will not be, and can not be the same problem that IE6 once was. Internet Explorer 6 was part of Microsoft’s plan for dominating the market. Safari and Chrome, despite their importance, don’t serve the same purpose for either Apple or Google.


Google+: Too many eggs in the Google basket
Date : le 11/08/11

Running Windows 8 on old or new hardware?
Date : 22 November 2012

Windows Phone 8: Despite Some Issues, an Excellent Mobile OS
Microsoft’s latest attempt at smartphone software is a job well done—but there’s still plenty of work ahead.
By Rachel Metz on November 21, 2012

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