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Info 1 : Facebook drones vs Google’s balloons

Facebook drones


IDG News World Tech Update, 6 March 2014

Thanks for joining us here on World Tech Update, I’m Nick Barber.
I hope you enjoyed our coverage last week at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona.
We’ll start this week with Facebook
which may soon bring Internet to underserved parts of the world using flying drones.
0:30  According to a TechCrunch report, the social network is in talks to buy Titan Aerospace,
a company developing solar-powered, unmanned aircraft
that can be used to build data services in the air.
It puts the value of the deal at sixty million dollars.
Titan is making big claims about its aircraft
which it calls atmospheric satellites.
The aircraft can cruise at 64 miles per hour and stay aloft for five years
at an altitude of 60,000 feet
without having to land or refuel.
1:00  Titan, which was founded in 2012,
expects to make the drones commercially available next year.
Facebook is thought to be interested in employing a fleet of Titan’s aircraft
to provide internet access to people around the world
starting in Africa.


Mark Zuckerberg’s vision : Making the internet affordable  (internet.org)

Introducing Project Loon   + How it works  + Babbage (The Economist) Jun 19th 2013 : Summer of the snoop

(Babbage is a blog about science and technology : have a look at it !)

Facebook drones vs Google’s balloons (a comparison)

A critical comment : It’s a bird ! It’s a plane ! No… it’s a Facebook drone ! (7/3/2014)

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