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Money does NOT make the world go round – after all.

You should definitely watch this :  Ivy League education free on the web                            (BBC Click, 15 May 2012)

  • Udacity (computer science students should be particularly interested)

(more details here  : « University 2.0 » – a really interesting, and moving, talk by Sebastian Thrun; an article in the New York Times about Thrun’s project)

  • Khan Academy (3,200 educational videos on nearly every subject, with interactive transcripts; click « Watch » to see the list of subjects)

(Salman Khan’s TED Talk :  « Let’s use video to reinvent education »                                 TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. All talks with interactive transcript)

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