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Info 1 : Discover « Breaking News English »

Exploring  Sean Banville’s website :
Breaking News English


A1. Listen to this audio file  this audio file

A2. Then take the  quizz   (Open a new window.)

A3. PHRASE MATCH:  (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

1. Researchers from a. on the memory tests
2. participants knew the answers would b. find the information
3. they did less well c. we keep information
4. personal data being backed d. be available on a computer
5. I don’t think Google is e. it online
6. good at remembering where f. of data and facts
7. we tend to keep g. Colombia University
8. organising huge quantities h. stuff online
9. you can find i. making us stupid
10. where to go to j. up on a hard disk


A4.  Now read the article.
A5. Pick the key words and summarize it.


B1. Speed reading  : Internet safety lessons for 5-year-olds
(hands off your mouse !)
If you can manage 300 words a minute,  try the same text at a reading speed of 400 words per minute.

B2.  Then scroll down (hiding the text) and do the multiple-choice quizz.

B3.  Now listen to the audio file audio file.

B4.  Missing letters : complete the text.


C. Technology superstars ask kids to code

C1. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

1. programming a. frightening
2 founder b. people
3. scary c. trendy
4. get the hang of d. abilities
5. cool e. chance
6. children f. dead
7. opportunity g. coding
8. figures h. kids
9. late i. creator
10. powers j. learn


C2.   Paragraph jumble activity

C3.  Listen to the file   Listen  (American pronunciation)

C4. Read the article and watch the video.

C5. Have a look at all the activities listed on the page.

… and come back very often !



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