Home » EM 2 » EM2 : planning de travail dossier CSP (test audio 2) + Solar refrigeration (lecture préparée 2)

EM2 : planning de travail dossier CSP (test audio 2) + Solar refrigeration (lecture préparée 2)

  • PS 10 Solar thermal power plant :  watch the report (BBC News,  2 May 2007) – then read the article  (esp. the part « How it works »).  (You might wish  to read further  explanations on Abengoa’s website.)
  • (Listen to the NPR story (August 2007) and fill in the gaps in your text.  Then check your answers, reading the article on NPR’s website : Spain runs Europe’s first commercial solar thermal power plant.) pas eu le temps…

You might also…

  • watch a video about concentraing solar power technologies on the EERE website (U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy).   If you click the CC (closed captions) icon  subtitles will be displayed. (While you’re there… you might be interested in watching other videos on that website. A full transcript is available for some of them.)

Now you are ready to listen to a new audio file.

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