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Money does NOT make the world go round – after all.

You should definitely watch this :  Ivy League education free on the web                            (BBC Click, 15 May 2012)

  • Udacity (computer science students should be particularly interested)

(more details here  : « University 2.0 » – a really interesting, and moving, talk by Sebastian Thrun; an article in the New York Times about Thrun’s project)

  • Khan Academy (3,200 educational videos on nearly every subject, with interactive transcripts; click « Watch » to see the list of subjects)

(Salman Khan’s TED Talk :  « Let’s use video to reinvent education »                                 TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. All talks with interactive transcript)

Info 1 et 2 : Vidéos sous-titrées

Pour progresser de façon autonome. Voir liens ici.

Info : Audio/video computer science lectures (for native speakers… and for you)

Plusieurs universités anglophones ont mis en ligne des cours filmés accessibles tout à fait gratuitement. La plupart du temps, la transcription est jointe, parfois des sous-titres en anglais (CC) aident à la compréhension. Des matériaux supplémentaires (notes de cours, exercices, questions d’examen…) peuvent également être téléchargés.

Voilà des ressources qu’il serait dommage de ne pas explorer, en particulier pour ceux qui envisagent un stage à l’étranger.

MIT OpenCourseWare (MIT OCW)



Harvard College

CS50 is Harvard College‘s introductory course in computer science, taught by David Malan (in 2009). Videos + PDFs of all handouts.

University of New South Wales (Australia)

Richard Buckland, a senior computer science lecturer at the University of NSW, who has pioneered the use of YouTube at Australian universities, is offering high school students the chance to get started on their computing degrees early.  So in 2008 he filmed all of his first-year computing lectures and published them on UNSW’s  YouTube channel and on Apple’s iTunes.

(Unfortunately, no transcripts I know of.)

Planning an Erasmus student placement ? Improve your conversational English… NOW ! (1)

  • Also suitable for beginners : Real English video lessons     « Nobody, in the real world, speaks « classroom English ».  All of our clips are based on people being themselves, speaking naturally and spontaneously, just like in the situations which learners will deal with when their training is finished, when they travel to English-speaking countries, or when they welcome English speakers into their homes and offices. » Some lessons with a simplified, « absolute beginners » version. Regular version +  Closed Caption version (CC = English subtitles)  Do the exercises before watching the videos with subtitles.  Real English is also on Facebook and Youtube [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZtCsm1_Bz4[/youtube]

Débutants/faux débutants, ne fuyez pas, cette bande annonce n’est pas représentative du niveau de difficulté des autres séquences, les leçons sont progressives et beaucoup plus simples !

  • BBC Learning English « How to... » series : your communication toolbox . Language for greeting, introducing and saying goodbye;  language you can use when you have to make a request, offer or invitation (e.g., asking someone out !);  language for giving and accepting instructions, explanations and advice…

  • BBC Learning English : The Flatmates is an online soap opera for learners of English. Downloadable audio files, full transcripts, exercises. 203 episodes ! Also available on Youtube with dialogs displayed on screen.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmzjO6NLObo[/youtube]
  • The British Council LearnEnglish : Big city, small world In this audio soap set in London a group of young people from around the world share their lives over a cup of coffee. The episodes are released every 2 weeks. For each episode there are some comprehension questions, vocabulary and grammar exercises, and a complete transcript of the episode.       (You may have to register first : homepage – it’s free. You might wish to sign up for the newsletter.)


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