Night chest

The night chest is a wooden box for children. It will be available in three sets : for girls, boys and a special limited Christmas edition.

During the night it can be used as a night light and as a toy storage box during the day. It can also be used to organise your affairs.

The target public is young children and adults. It will be realized in collaboration with cabinet making students.

This project is executed by Albane, Mathias, Chloé, Thomas & Yvan.


Chloé & Mathias.

Computer assembly

I/ Assembly procedure

Image associée

  • The preparation of the computer frame
  1. Screw the struts on the frame. Be careful to respect the motherboard’s tracks.
  2. Put the DVD burner.
  3. Put the power supply with four screws.
  4. Assemble the input/output panel on the pc tower.
  • The preparation of the motherboard
  1. Install the processor on the motherboard
  2. Install the ventirad on the precessor
  3. Install the two RAM modules
  4. Fix the motherboard on the chassis with six screws.
  • The installation of peripheral devices
  1. Add the audio/video input/output of the peripheral card
  2. Put the hard drive.

II/Cabling process

  • Cabling
  1. Connect the power supply connector on the motherboard.
  2. Connect all the connectors’ tower to the motherboard (buttons, dels, fan…)
  3. Connect the hard driver power supply + SATA 1.
  4. Connect the DVD burner power supply + SATA 2.

III/ Equipment manipulation

  • To protect the material of electrostatic discharges.
  1. Place the unwrapped material on the antistatic carpet connected to the earth (ground) connector
  2. Put the bracelet (connected to the carpet), it is used to evacuate the electrical charges (of the human body) to the earth.
  3. Do not touch the tracks, the pastilles or the components’pins with fingers.

Albane & Enzo

How to make a straight or crossover data cable?

  • Respect the EIA568A  and EIA568B standards
  • Choose a straight or crossover cable

When wiring up a 10/100 Mbit/s

The only data cables used to share data are pins 2, 3 and 6

When wiring up a 1000 Mbit/s (16 bit/s) pin 8 is used.

When we plug a workstation to a hub or a switch a straight cable is used.

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When we need to plug 2 workstations at the same time a crossover cable is used.

In a crossover cable the helpful pair is reversed, it  means that the emission pin pair 1-2 is connected on one side and the reception pin pair 3-6 is connected on the other side.

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