Renaud’s work Placement

My work placement was a very important part of my training.

It lasted two months from May 27th 2017 to July 07th 2017

The company where I did my internship is called PLAYADES. It is located at 22 cours d’Herbouville in the second district of Lyon.

To get there, I took the subway and the bus.

It’s a very small SARL with just 2 employees and my mentor.

-my mentor’s wife is in charge of the administrative part

-The business woman

-My mentor, the boss of the company

I did my internship with Xavier, one of my classmates

We mostly did maintenance of pinballs including cleaning and visual control. The most common problems are in the « fronton ». This part hides all the electronic card. Sometimes, some pieces burn or die after many years of use. We mainly had to change small pieces which look like capacitors or electric coils. We should remove the broken part, and replace it by a new one. An intervention lasted aproximately 30 minutes. Sometimes, we did not have the new piece. On this situation, we had to order it. We kept the pinball in our offices.

We did some pinball, table football and pool table deliveries too. It was the most physical part of the work placement. A normal pinball weighs 100 to 120 kilograms ! On average, we delivered 3 or 4 pinballs at the same time! It was grueling but very cool !

The atmoshpere was very cool ! my tutor is awesome ! He did not impose us any dress code

I really enjoyed my internship, we did a lot of things. We did not have time to get bored ! The people I met are great, and I learned to be effective and I developped dexterity and self confidence.


Chloe’s work placement

Last year I did  my work placement at « Inserm » more precisely at the LabTau in Lyon. It lasted six week, from May 27th to July 07th. The number of employees is approximately one hunderd.

In the LabTau, My tutor is an engineer in the medical environment. He registered many certificates in his career. He is extremely cultivated and nice. My colleagues were engineers or researchers in a medical environment and some of them were block-release students (BTS or DUT).

The atmosphere was relaxed but serious. It is a quiet place, but the communication inside the laboratory is pretty efficient. There are organized meetings every week. There is no dress code, but it is necessary to dress appropriately to work in good conditions.

The tasks I did in my work placement represent a small part of my training, the electronic part.

During my work placement, I used a laboratory notebook (« It’s our brain ») to write down the results of my experiences or list the operational transducers . I looked for several transducers and probes to label them and classify them into a spreadsheet. It was then easier to identify them. 

I discovered or rediscovered measuring devices and how to use them. It was necessary to determine criteria to label devices. It was also necessary to determine names for every category, easy to remember and to understand for every people of the different departments.

My tutor taught me many concepts : such as metrology…  I have also learnt many notions, and how to use transducers and if they worked well or not.

I really enjoyed my internship because my tutor and my colleagues were very nice and pleasant. I ‘ve learnt so many things, new notions.



Web browsers….

Web browsers…

To go on the internet there is a multitude of internet browsers. That’s why we will be interested in some of them. The best known are Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "internet explorer logo"Internet Explorer is a less and less used browser because it has become too slow and with very limited functions. It’s today replaced by Microsoft Edge.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "chrome logo png petite image"Google Chrome is a fast and efficient browser with many possible openings and still used by a lot of people. This browser is regularly updated for better security.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "firefox logo png"Mozilla Firefox is a fast-growing browser because it has become fast, efficient and secure with the new Firefox Quantum update. It may even soon inform you if a site has already been hacked. It is of course often updated.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "safari logo png"Safari is a multi-platform browser initially running under the Mac and iOS system but now downloadable under the Windows system. It’s rarely used because it’s slower.


Smartphone security

Everyday a lot of smartphones are hacked  because of the inattention of users.

The smartphone is mainly hacked because of downloaded applications on internet or application links. Take care when you download an application on internet and when someone wants to send you an application link via bluetooth.

To protect your smartphone :

  • Put a password to unlock your smartphone when it is on standby.
  • When you use a WiFi connection, data and files can be stolen via the Cloud or someone can send you a Virus
  • Don’t accept everybody to connect to your smartphone in bluetooth
  • Don’t download applications on websites when they are on the « Playstore » (Android) or on the « Appstore » (IOS).


The composition of a basic computer

PC means Personal Computer.

Basic elements of PC:

-a screen to visualize the information sent by a PC

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-a keyboard to type the text

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "clavier pc"

-a mouse to move the cursor on the screen

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "souris pc"

-speakers for the sound, It is not mandatory but still better

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-and above all a central unit that is the heart and brain of the computer

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The composition of a central unit :

-The motherboard, It is used to connect the components  of a computer.

Image associée

-The processor, It performs the operations and calculations requested.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "processeur pc"

-The RAM, It helps the processor to perform the calculations and operations.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "barrette ram"

-The graphic card, It is used to display images on the screen if the processor doesn’t have one.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "carte graphique"

-The hard disk, It is used to store information.

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-The disk reader, It will allow to read data on CD/ROM.

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-The alimentation, It provides the necessary energy for the operation of the machine

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The triode: first creation in electronics

Lee De Forest was the « creator of electronics ».

It started with the creation of the triode in 1907.

Its name is Audion.

What is it composed of ?

It is composed of :

  • the first triode (= a grid is placed between the anode and the cathode of a diode lamp)
  • and a vacuum tube causing amplification of an electrical signal.

What is it used for ?

This is the first invention that can amplify an electronic device.

Why was it  created ?

It allowed to create talking pictures, the radio and later, the computer science. It will also allow  improvements in the field of the telephone communications (the amplification of the signal will be more important and without distortion effect).

They are used in preamplifiers and in amplifiers (for power)…

What’s in the lamp ?

In the lamp, there is a filament (cathode) under a grid (= grille). The grid is under a plate (anode). They are all in a glass enclosure. Résultat de recherche d'images pour "la triode lamp"


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