The composition of a basic computer

PC means Personal Computer.

Basic elements of PC:

-a screen to visualize the information sent by a PC

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-a keyboard to type the text

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-a mouse to move the cursor on the screen

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-speakers for the sound, It is not mandatory but still better

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-and above all a central unit that is the heart and brain of the computer

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The composition of a central unit :

-The motherboard, It is used to connect the components  of a computer.

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-The processor, It performs the operations and calculations requested.

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-The RAM, It helps the processor to perform the calculations and operations.

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-The graphic card, It is used to display images on the screen if the processor doesn’t have one.

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-The hard disk, It is used to store information.

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-The disk reader, It will allow to read data on CD/ROM.

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-The alimentation, It provides the necessary energy for the operation of the machine

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