Chloe’s work placement

Last year I did  my work placement at « Inserm » more precisely at the LabTau in Lyon. It lasted six week, from May 27th to July 07th. The number of employees is approximately one hunderd.

In the LabTau, My tutor is an engineer in the medical environment. He registered many certificates in his career. He is extremely cultivated and nice. My colleagues were engineers or researchers in a medical environment and some of them were block-release students (BTS or DUT).

The atmosphere was relaxed but serious. It is a quiet place, but the communication inside the laboratory is pretty efficient. There are organized meetings every week. There is no dress code, but it is necessary to dress appropriately to work in good conditions.

The tasks I did in my work placement represent a small part of my training, the electronic part.

During my work placement, I used a laboratory notebook (« It’s our brain ») to write down the results of my experiences or list the operational transducers . I looked for several transducers and probes to label them and classify them into a spreadsheet. It was then easier to identify them. 

I discovered or rediscovered measuring devices and how to use them. It was necessary to determine criteria to label devices. It was also necessary to determine names for every category, easy to remember and to understand for every people of the different departments.

My tutor taught me many concepts : such as metrology…  I have also learnt many notions, and how to use transducers and if they worked well or not.

I really enjoyed my internship because my tutor and my colleagues were very nice and pleasant. I ‘ve learnt so many things, new notions.



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