
Arduino is a programmable open source hardware and software interface, it allows free access to a certain type of files. It is based on programming language such as type « C ». For programming, the « JAVA’s » language is used.

The arduino card can be used to program various objects, such as alarms, oscilloscopes and everyday objects. Arduino shields can be used to extend the map’s features, such as a GPS, or WI-FI and protect the Arduino card.


Arduino Card





Enzo et Xavier

Measuring device

Measuring devices serve to make different tests on components or machines.

There are a many measuring devices :

  • first : The multimeter is the universal measuring device for electrical trades. It can check the ( volt -> V ) alternating tension and direct current. It can also test the resistor ( ohms -> ? ) and the intensity too ( ampere -> A )


  • second : An absence of tension tester is useful to know if there is a presence of voltage in a circuit. It is mainly used by electricians because it’s a practical device. To perform a voltage check, insert probe tips in a power outlet or electrical panel (in a breaker circuit).


  • third : The oscilloscope allows to visualize the frequency of an electrical signal. To visualize  a signal on a good scale, it is necessary to take into account several characteristics.








Enzo et Xavier

The wiring components

Brazing is the realisation of welding.

Brazing allows:

  • to keep the components on a printed circuit board
  • the passage of the electric current between the pins of components and the conductive track.


For a good quality brazing it is necessary to :

  1. have the pointer of soldering iron at the minimum temperature,  very clean and shiny.
  2. heat up the pins of components and the conductive track. Place the alloy on the opposite side of the soldering iron.

Enzo & Xavier

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