What is a Practical Work ?

In this article, we will tell you what is a Practical Work.

It starts with a practical work assignment. The teacher designates several groups of two people. After that the teacher gives us the instructions of the Practical Work. Practical Work is graded and lasts an average of 3 hours. We are  assessed on skills related to our profession.

The following picture represents the cover of a Practical work subject: the setting up of a Bosch alarm system.



Julien SEUX



How does a Switch function?


  1. The routing switch draws up and updates a table of MAC addresses, indicating on which ports to direct the intended screens for a given MAC address.
  2. MAC physical adresses are stored in map network or an interface network similar to the machines. All the machines have a different MAC address.
  3. A switch, also called network switch, is a endowed with several ports, mainly four. Ethernet serves to connect several cables or fibers in a computer network.
  4. This is what a Switch looks like :


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