Archives mensuelles : décembre 2020

3D’s creature

Drawing by Maëlle Queyraud

Who is the OgreDog? Legend has it that this creature lives in a zoo in Dubaï but it is kept in a cage so that visitors can come and see it. At times, children are mean and cruel to it and it hates its life in the zoo.
At nightfall, its head turns into a shark’s head because it’’s so angry.
Its tail turns into a tiger’s head because it needs revenge so badly.
It can stand up on his paws and walk like a human being because it needs dignity.
Thanks to its dolphin’s sonar, it can call children who are sleeping in their beds so that they get up and come to the zoo.When they arrive, the creature eats them up except their hearts because it considers that those children’s hearts are too evil to be eaten.
So, remember! Always be nice to animals when you go and visit them at the zoo!

Drawing by Maëlle Queyraud

3A’s Creature

Drawing by Mathias Laporte

Have you ever seen a Healer? Well, it is a creature which has two sides but it is usually described as an uncanny creature. It has the body of a big fish, the wings of a butterfly and the teats of a cow. It lives in a creek but since it can fly, it changes places all the time.
At night, it is a cute beautiful creature with magical wings.Legend has it that when it flaps its wings, it heals people’s illnesses.That’s why humans try to catch the creature to cure sick people but you can only catch it with a special net. The problem is, its species is endangered and there are only 150 left of them.
In the day, it turns into a dangerous creature to take revenge on humans. When you drink the water from the creek where it lives, it can jump into your mouth and eat up your organs.
So, be careful when you get near a creek!

Drawing by Joaquim Perez