

Du nouveau en section européenne anglais au lycée P.Lamour, les informations relatives à cet enseignement en EPS seront désormais disponibles ici: les textes officiels, les épreuves, l’organisation des cours, le vocabulaire nécessaire aux différentes activités sportives, des vidéos, des liens d’entrainement à l’oral ..

Ce blog regroupera donc tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour se repérer et progresser en EPS classe européenne avec Mr Fournier.

Parents, élèves et collègues pourront ainsi savoir ce que nous faisons au lycée P.Lamour en DNL EPS.

Vous pourrez également laisser un commentaire ou demander un complément d’information en cas d’oubli.

Enjoy your visit and see you soon! 😉

Lilian Fournier, P.E. teacherKeep-Calm-and-Train-Zip-Hoodies---Jackets


ORIENTEERING is similar to a cross-country race but you
navigate using a map instead of following a set course. It is an
outdoor sport where competitors navigate their own way, you
can run, jog or walk, you decide your own pace, looking for
control points marked on a special map.

You can click on the link below to find the necessary vocab to be more at your ease:

orienteering vocabulary

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The control points are marked on an orienteering map. The
points on the course are marked with orange and white flags
and punches, so you can prove you’ve been there.

The challenge is to use the map to decide the best route to
complete the course in the quickest time.

Foot orienteering is an endurance sport which involves a huge mental element. There is no marked route – the orienteer must navigate with map and compass while running.

The map gives detailed information on the terrain such as hills, ground surface, obstacles etc. To be successful in foot orienteering, the athlete needs excellent map reading skills, absolute concentration and the ability to make quick decisions on the best route while running at high speed.

Orienteers run over rough ground, completely unprepared forest terrain or rough open hills – cross country in the true sense of the word. Therefore, considerable body strength and agility is needed. Fitness similar to that of a 3000m steeplechase or marathon runner is required.

There is a wide variety of orienteering events: individual competitions and relays, ultra-short park races and mountain marathon events. Night orienteering with the aid of a head lamp is also a popular form of orienteering.

Every year, the best foot orienteers in the world fight for the World Champion titles and the World Cup victory.

Foot orienteering became a recognised Olympic sport in 1977.


RACING SUIT: A lightweight, stretchy suit protects from undergrowth whilst allowing maximum freedom of movement even if it gets soaking wet.

SHOES: Light, strong shoes with non-slip soles allow sure grip on all types of ground – including mud and bare rock.

MAP: The map provided by the organiser shows the course with the control points which must be visited.

The map is designed to give detailed information on the terrain – hills, ground surface, and features such as boulders or cliffs: you can refer to the legend of the map to check what is around you. See the article named « orienteering legend of the map ». 

COMPASS: There is a wide variety of sophisticated compasses to choose from. Basically they can be divided into two main categories: base plate and thumb compasses.

CONTROL CARD: To prove that they have visited all control points in the right order, the orienteers have to punch their control card at each control (sometimes using an electronic device)


Below you will find several videos to get more information

The map :


Planning your route :


Finding your way :


Discovering orienteering:

Introduction to Orienteering / NEOOC – YouTube

EURO Seniors: 2 topics for the final examination (may/june 2021)

According to the new program this year and the changes we had to make with the Covid19 crisis,  each pupil of the euro class of Seniors has to prepare for the final test and the questionning of the jury. As you may know, the second part of your examination (after the 10 minutes of answering the topic you picked)  is related to a topic linked to your PE lessons.

You have to find information (PE lessons, newspapers, articles, internet, reports etc..)  to gather it and organize it so as to express yourself fluently when the jury asks you questions. 

This year we focused on 2 topics:

1-« Team spirit and performance in sport and in everyday life »:  your relationship, cooperation, pair-work , observations, the strategy chosen, the advices given to a teammate during your PE lessons  in RELAY RACE and in BASKET BALL may be taken as examples to make your ideas clearer. Of course you can find other examples in your personal life or in professional sport to support your opinion. 

2-« The positive and negative impacts of sports on the environment »: your HIKING sessions in « Mas d’Escattes » can be a start to understand how human activities can change the environment. See fo example how trekking expeditions in Nepal leaves tons of rubbish on this beautiful site.  Conversely , a new sport coming from Sweden called « Plogging »  shows a positive way to practice while caring about nature. 
What is your opinion about this topic? Explain your ideas and give meaningful examples.  

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