Le parchemin retrouvé : life stories

Alienor d’ Aquitaine was born in 1124.

She maried Louis VII in 1137  and she divorced from him for Henri II in 1169.

Her parents are Guillaume X and Aliénor de Châtellerault..

She had a sister , Petronille and a brother, Guillaume Aigret.

She had two childrens with Louis VII : Marie de France and Alix de france.

Last, she had eight children with Henri II : Henri le Jeune, Guillaume Plantagenêt, Mathilde d’Angleterre,Henri Plantagenêt, Richard Coeur de Lion, Geoffroy II, Aliénor d’Aquitaine, Jeanne d’Angleterre and Jean sans terre.

Aliénor loved troubadours, she was raised with him.

She gouverned the Kingdom of Aquitaine and, After, the Kingdom of England.

So, at the end, she has a big Empire.

She died  in 1204.


She was born in 1124 and her parents were Guillaume X and Aénor Of Châtellerault.

She had sister and brother : Their names were Pétronille and Guillaume Aigret.

Her father died 881 years ago.

In 1137, she married Louis VII.

After the death of Louis VI, father of Louis VII, Aliénor and became king and queen of the francs.

Later Louis VII and Aliénor had two daughters : Marie of France and Alix of France

Then she divorced VII and she married Henri Plantagenet or Henri II so she became Queen of England.


She was born in 1124.

She married Louis VII in 1137.

She had 2 daughter with him.

Then, she married Henry Plantagenet.

She had 8 children with him.

She was Queen of France then England.

She liked music and troubadours.

She was made prisoner in 1150.

This was her son, Richard cœur de lion,who freed her.

She died in 1204.


The life of Aliénor’s Aquitaine

Aliénor was born in 1124 in Poitiers, she was born 894 years ago. Aliénor lived in Aquitaine . Aliénor became queen in 1137.  She married Louis VII then Henri ll .

Aliénor had many children.She had five mans and three girls of Henri ll : guillaume plantagenet, henri plantagenet, mathilde , richard, geoffroy II de Bretagne, Constance de Richemont, Aliénor, Jean, dit Jean sans terre roi d’Angleterre.

She was queen of England then of France. Aliénor was in jail for 16 years. She died in 1204 in Poitiers.

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