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Author Archives: mrsmoreau

Diwali: an Indian celebration

Diwali – Festival of Lights

Categories: 3e | Tags: | 2 Comments

How to fight against cyberbullying

Categories: 4e | 2 Comments

I was cyberbullied

Categories: 4e | 6 Comments

I was cyberbullied

Categories: 4e | 2 Comments

New technologies: vocabulary game!

Use a slash: / when there are many possibilities ACTIONS: HARDWARE:

Categories: 4e | Tags: | Leave a comment

New technologies: vocabulary


Categories: 4e | 2,546 Comments

The IT crowd

Listen to the document again. Underline the stressed words and write this symbol:    |     during a pause. Example: Hope this doesn’t embarass you | Jen, but I find the best thing to do | with a new employee | is to size them up with a long || hard || stare.

Categories: 4e | Leave a comment

Dragons: How to train your English speaking skills!

Learn your lesson! 1- Vocabulary: listen and repeat again and again!       Dragon parts: horn, tooth /teeth, wing, scales, tail, claws, snout, nostrils.     Adjectives: sharp, spiky, cute ? ugly, scary big = colossal, enormous, gigantic, huge, massive scary = terrifying, frightening     2- Describe the dragon: make sentences! Smaug is a … Continue reading »

Categories: 5e | Tags: | 4 Comments


Listen and sing along! Play a GAME!

Categories: 6e | Leave a comment

Prepare your final task: YOUR LIFE AT SCHOOL

1- Introduce yourself! This is an example, listen and repeat: Now adapt to your personal information.   2- Present your school: listen and repeat.   3- Talk about your routine and timetable. a) Review: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday!   b) This is an example for your final task: Listen, repeat and adapt: … Continue reading »

Categories: 5e | 3 Comments