Un Français dans l’espace pendant 6 mois

(FILES) This file photo taken on October 25, 2016 shows (fROM l) France's astronaut Thomas Pesquet, Russia's cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky and US astronaut Peggy Whitson posING for pictures in front of a Soyuz space vehicle simulator during an examination training session at the Gagarin Cosmonauts' Training Centre in Star City, outside Moscow. Pesquet, along with American Peggy Whitson and Russian Oleg Novitskiy, will blast off from Baikonour to join the International Space Station lab crew on November 17, 2016. Pesquet, 38, a first time-flyer and the first French national to be sent to the ISS by the European Space Agency since 2008, said he was feeling "quite relaxed" waiting to achieve his long-time spatial dream for which he trained seven years. / AFP PHOTO / Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV

Ça y est ! Après sept années de préparation, l’astronaute français Thomas Pesquet va s’envoler dans l’espace pour la première fois. Avec ses deux coéquipiers, il va décoller à bord de la fusée Soyouz pour rejoindre la Station spatiale internationale (ISS).

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