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Master in Educational Mobilities and Tourism Management: Master Mobilités et Tourismes Educatifs

The University Caen Normandie has created a Master’s degree in Educational Mobility and Tourism / Mobilités et Tourismes Educatifs. Non French-speaking students have to follow a particular curriculum in order to improve their French language skills during the course.

Tourism and educational mobilities are renewed and increased activities from the Covid-19 crisis. They meet fundamental demands as they enable participants to be mobile, to know other people and landscapes, and to appreciate and respect otherness. Within this context, the Master’s degree in Educational Mobilities and Tourism aims to provide what you need for developing your career as an organizer and manager of educational mobilities and tourism. The jobs are in these professional sectors: international academic mobilities and exchanges for studying and training, school trips, language courses abroad, slow travel, social tourism and educational holidays, summer camps and scouting, youth international mobility.

The jobs are in these professional sectors:

  • international academic mobilities and exchanges for studying, training, and youth experiences,
  • school trips,
  • language courses abroad,
  • educational tourism: ethical and responsible tourism, slow travel and tourism, social and family tourism.

It aims at training professionals who will have to :

–  demonstrate skills in the management of tourism and mobilities,

–  be experts in educational values,

–  be able to design educational programmes of mobility.

After the Master’s degree, the graduates will be able to integrate into institutions and organisations that work in the mobility system, for example: Jobs

The Master is regularly updated with the advice of the professionals working in the offices and companies managing the educational mobilities, so as to perfectly match theory and practice.

Both students and employees (with an in-service training) can apply to this Master’s degree.

The course begins every year in September.

Look at the official information of the Master’s degree on this website:

The submission period takes place from 25 April to 27 May 2022.

This is the weblink to apply to the Master 1 :!accueilView

Within ‘offre de formation’, click on « Métiers de l’enseignement » and then on M1 Mobilités et tourismes éducatifs.

To have information to apply to the Master 2, please contact:




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