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There is a network of stakeholders with which the internships are agreed, in the area of educational mobilities in France and abroad. Some internships are provided by companies and offices, and others are caught by students themselves.

They are fully integrated within the Master’s degree.

Two long placements from 4 to 6 months have to be done: one during the first year and the other during the second year. This duration corresponds to the necessary practical period according to the professionals. During the first year, the internship takes place abroad for French students, in order to allow the improvement of the English language; for foreign students, the first year internship can be in France. During the second year, the internship can take place in France or in another country. The placement includes a project activity to aim the junior executive’s skills.

A regular follow-up is implemented, with chats between the student, the host supervisor and the teacher supervisor. The work placements can take place in different types of organizations:

  • Education, training and research institutions, governments and European Union services, local authorities, and international cooperation offices,
  • Associations of popular education and social tourism, Youth associations, international solidarity organizations,
  • Centres for school trips and social tourism, international youth hostels,
  • International language schools,
  • Enterprises organizing the school trips, languages and training courses abroad.

A support for this period can be provided within the Erasmus+ Higher education programme.

Master 1 2018-2019 : the internships take place abroad in Canada, Espagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Irlande, Luxembourg, Malte, Slovénie.

Masters 1 et 2, 2019-2020 : they take place abroad in : Belgique, Canada, Chili, Colombie, Espagne, Irlande, Pays-Bas, Royaume-Uni.

Within the Covid-19 context, every student had an internship. We are grateful to: PEP, Aroeven-Foeven, Vacances ouvertes, et la Route de la Libération de l’Europe concerning the adaptations during the year.

Master 1 et 2, 2020-2021 : although the health context, several internships take place abroad, in Belgium, Egypt, Spain, Luxemburg, the United Kingdom, Thailand. Given the health crisis, this year the internship abroad for the first-year students is not mandatory, allowing the implementation of professional experiences for every student. We are grateful to: Aroeven of Caen, PEP 50, Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France de Caen, MJC de Flers, MJC de Cherbourg, Foeven, association Regards, VVL, JEV langues, association La Bêta-Pi, association Sur le chemin de Stevenson, Campus France, the international office of: Ecole du Louvre, Université de La Réunion, ESSEC, Institut polytechnique de Grenoble, Toulouse Business School, and abroad : association Service civil international, Hello Exmouth, SI-UK Bangkok, and the international office of the University of Luxembourg and the Universidad Cardenal Herrera.

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