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Careers and testimonials

90% of graduates have a job just after the academic year, and 5% choose to keep another training. Since the beginning of the Master, the careers opportunities of the current alumni are distributed as follows:

  • Organizors in social tourism or school trips associations: 20%
  • Officers in international relations offices for academic mobilities: 20%
  • School languages, Tourism boards, hostels: 14%
  • Teaching: 14%
  • Organizors in tour operators and travel agencies, especially for language courses abroad: 12%
  • Others (administration, sales): 11%
  • Another training: 4%

Please find below some testimonials from graduated of the Master’s degree regarding their job:

« How to tell you what this Master’s degree gave me…, well, an exciting job!!! And I want to stress this point: passion. Every day I go to work enthusiastically. I am a project manager, which means I plan holidays trips. But I want that these holidays make sense. Currently, I organise stays adapted for persons with mental disability and behavioural disorders in an association of popular education in Caen. I manage the recruitment of the facilitation teams, the selection and the follow-up of the transport and the accommodation over the stays. I manage also the website. Before, I did the same tasks in Paris for organising school trips, always within a great association of popular education. This Master’s degree lead me to discover the stakeholders for educational tourism in general. I realized internships which have strengthened me in my desire to conceive holidays which make sense. It is a professional-qualification course, today thanks to this Master’s degree, I do simply what I like at the heart of the values that I hold dear ».

« I am an office manager within the International Relations Service in a French university. I organize the academic mobilities for students who go abroad (350 students per year), to our partners universities with which we have bilateral agreements, or using different programs as BCI-CREPUQ. It is a rewarding job because I am in touch with many universities all around the world and with the teachers who are responsible for the students’selection process. Besides, I represent my office in student fairs promoting academic mobility and in meetings with the departments of my university. I also contribute to the organization of special days to promote mobility for our students. »

« I graduated from the Master’s degree “Voyages, séjours et mobilités scolaires et éducatifs » in June 2015. Since then I have been working at the International Relations Office of a Parisian university as a specific program manager. I was offered this job after doing my internship there. My job consists in:

  • Organization and management of spring and summer programs, there are two types. The university organizes its own summer program but international universities also ask us to organize their own program at our university. In both cases my work consists in organizing the program before the arrival of the group and to welcome them and help them during their stay in Paris.
  • Administrative management of the “welcome refugee students” plan at the university.
  • Organization of the visits of foreign delegations to the university. »

« My work placement was in an organization for popular education in Caen, which implements stays for children, young people and families, and school trips. Afterwards, I did a Civic Service in this same organization, which allows me to discover the many activities within it. Then I was recruited in this organization, in which I’m in charge of educational projects. I organize school trips, in France and abroad, for primary and secondary schools. I deal with the projects from their design to their realization: drafting of budgets, proposing of suited programmes, … All the projects are defined with teachers to best fit their needs. The Master’s degree with its work placement allow me to get a job in an area which pleases me and has always instilled me an interest. »

« Graduated from this Master’s degree, I did my internship in an enterprise which markets language courses abroad in Bordeaux, offering stays with quality over the world, for children, students and adults. Currently I am in charge of programmes in this company with a permanent contract. My purpose is to prepare in the best conditions the departures of our participants with the help of our local partners: registrations, invoicing, booking of transports and transfers, establishment of cultural and sports programme, journey diary, etc. My role extends also to the direct sales of our stays, the writing of our communication material, and the establishment of marketing strategies, quizzes and other advertising events. My missions are diverse and the work atmosphere is very nice, it’s with pleasure I go to work every morning!”

« I am a packager in an agency organising school trips. My job consists of marketing the school trips. I explore the schools, prepare the specifications regarding their pedagogical requests, and conduct the sales. I do the technical follow-up of the projects, booking and invoicing the services. It is a rewarding and exciting job, due to the contacts with both the providers and the schools. »

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