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The course

Teachers of the University of Caen Normandy (in law, management, geography, languages, educational sciences) and professional stakeholders (eg: heads of international exchanges offices, organizers of school trips, summer camps and social tourism, organizers of langages courses abroad, etc. ) are in charge of the different modules or are guest speakers.

The taught period occurs between September and January, and is followed of a work placement period from February to June.

From the academic year 2021-2022, courses take place mainly in English. Every student has to choose a second language element, among many options (except his/her native language): non French-speaking students have to choose the French foreign language option. Please contact us for further information.

You take part in an interactive way to different types of sessions: lectures, academic seminars, practical exercises in group to conceive educational mobilities, oral presentations, study visits. Some activities are connected to the meetings of the regional network of professionals managing the youth international mobility.


Master 1

Semester 1

  • Skills unit 1 / UE 1 : 5 ECTS
  • EC 111 Ethical and responsible mobility and tourism 20h
  • EC 112 International academic cooperation and mobility programmes 30h
  • EC 113 Spatial organizations and travel documents 14h
  • Skills unit 2 / UE2 : 8 ECTS
  • EC 121 Social and accessible tourism 20h
  • EC 122 School trips 20h
  • EC 123 Scouting and summer camps 15h
  • EC 124 Option Language stay Abroad ou Option Volunteering 12h
  • Skils unit 3 / UE 3 : 6 ECTS
  • EC 131 One health and outdoor education 20h
  • EC 132 Globalization and mobilities 15h
  • EC 133 Option History of educational mobility and tourism ou Option Histoire des mouvements pédagogiques 12h
  • EC 134 Mobility of children and young people 12h
  • Skills unit 4 / UE 4 : 2 ECTS
  • EC 141 Research: Educational mobilities and tourism in the Anthropocene 16h
  • Skills unit 5 / UE 5 : 6 ECTS
  • EC 151 Field trip: discovering organizations and jobs 24h
  • EC 152 Internship project 8h
  • EC 153 Career writing and interviewing 1 10h
  • Skills unit 6 / UE 6 : 3 ECTS
  • EC 161 Communication 18h
  • EC 162 Second foreign language (Spanish, German, French foreign language…) 20h

Semester 2

The semester 2 includes only the skills unit 4, 5 and 6.

  • Skills unit 4 / UE 4 :  14 ECTS
  • EC 241 Qualitative methodology 10h
  • EC 242 Data analysis 10h
  • EC 243 Short dissertation 10h
  • Skills unit 5 / UE5 : 14 ECTS
  • EC 251 Internship 4 to 6 months abroad and activity analysis 10h
  • Skills unit 6 / UE6 : 2 ECTS
  • EC 261 English presentation 10h
  • EC 262 Second foreign language presentation 10h


Master 2

Semester 3 

  • Skills unit 1/  UE 1 : 7 ECTS
  • EC 311 Gestion des ressources humaines 15h
  • EC 312 Option Droit privé et public appliqué au tourisme ou Option Français sur Objectifs Spécifiques 25h
  • EC 313 Gestion comptable et financière 30h
  • EC 314 Pricing 10h
  • Skills unit 2/ UE 2 : 8 ECTS
  • EC 321 Educational exchange 12h
  • EC 322 Slow travel and tourism 12h
  • EC 323 Residential centre project 12h
  • EC 324 Option Language stay abroad ou Option Volunteering 12h
  • Skills unit 3/ UE 3 : 6 ECTS
  • EC 331 One health and outdoor education 2 16h
  • EC 332 Human beings in the world 15h
  • EC 333 Economy and innovation 14h
  • Skills unit 4/ UE4 : 2 ECTS 
  • EC 341 Research: Educational mobilities and tourism in the Anthropocene 16h
  • Skills unit 5/ UE5 : 3 ECTS
  • EC 351 Internship project 2 7h
  • EC 352 Career writing and interviewing 2 10h
  • Skills unit 6/ UE6 : 4 ECTS
  • EC 361 Communication 18h
  • EC 362 Second foreign language (Spanish, German, French foreign language) : 20h

Semester 4 

  • Skills unit 4/ UE4 : 14 ECTS
  • EC 441 Dissertation 10h
  • Skills unit 5/ UE5 : 14 ECTS
  • EC 451 Internship 4 to 6 months and activity analysis 10h
  • EC 452 Professional integration 10h
  • Skills unit 6/ UE6 : 2 ECTS
  • EC 461 English presentation 10h
  • EC 462 Second foreign language presentation 10h

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