A magic Island

A few facts

  • Population: about 5.2 million people live in the Republic of Ireland (2021)
  • Capital: Dublin with 1.2 million inhabitants
  • Name: Ireland (or Éire in Gaelic)
  • Nickname: Emerald Isle
  • Government: Parliamentary Republic
  • Languages: English, Irish Gaelic
  • Religion: mainly Christians, 78% are Roman Catholics
  • Currency: 1 Euro = 100 cents
  • National Anthem‘Amrán na bhFiann‘ (The Soldier’s Song)
  • National Holiday: 17 March – Saint Patrick’s Day
  • National Symbol: harp, shamrock (young clover leaf), blue and green (national colours)
  • History: Celtic tribes settled on the island of Ireland from 600 BC. Later Normans invaded the island in the 12th century. The big famine (hunger) in Ireland led many people to emigrate. Ireland was neutral in World War II. Independence from the UK was gained in 1921, then the republic became part of the Irish Free State. Since 1949 Republic of Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is part of the EU (European Union).
Irish landscape in West Cork
Irish Landscape in West Cork


  • The Republic of Ireland is a country in Western Europe and located on the island of Ireland.
  • The Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland that belongs to the UK share the island of Ireland which is situated in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Map of the island of IrelandMap of Ireland
  • The Republic of Ireland shares a border with Northern Ireland, that belongs to the UK.
  • The border between the two countries is about 490 km/ 304 miles long. Take note that Northern Ireland’s land area is about five times smaller than that of the Republic of Ireland.
Ireland's Kilkenny castle with roses and gardenKilkenny Castle
  • Ireland is well known for its green pastures, the many medieval monuments and castles such as Kilkenny Castle, the shamrock, a young clover leaf, which is one of the national symbols and Saint Patrick, the national patron saint.
  • Ireland’s nickname is ‘Emerald Isle’ due to the lush vegetation, green pastures and soft rolling hills.
Ireland, nicknamed the Emerald Isle, with white cliffs and turquoise sea in sunshine with some white fluffy clouds
Ireland – ‘Emerald Isle’
  • Ireland’s name ‘Éire’ comes from the Gaelic language. ‘Eriu’ is the name of the goddess of the country.

The Jim Crow laws

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1. The Jim Crow laws existed everywhere in the USA.  

2. They made racial segregation legal.

3.They were created around 1890.

4.They were abolished at the beginning of the XX

5. Jim Crow was a real person.

Tool box : Laws = des lois / everywhere = partout  /  around = au alentour de… / the beginning = le début