
Angelina’s object is a little plastic figurine called Grouts. It is about 10 centimetres tall. It comes from the American film « 9 Marvel Movie ». It looks like a small green tree with vey big eyes. Sometimes Grouts scares her especially when she sees it at night. So she puts it on her desk far from her bed, so as not to see it if she wakes up in the middle of the night.


We had a new pupil in class today. Winnie came to school with Lauren. The little brown teddy bear is a bit like Lauren : it loves eating honey and it doesn’t like doing exercise! Lauren received it as a present from her parents for her first birthday. When she saw the big teddy bear, she wasn’t scared, she just loved it . Later, she didn’t let her little sister play with Winnie.

Winnie is a strong teddy because one day a dog attacked it and bit its ear off. But Winnie resisted and eventually won the fight. Well done boy!


Maxime showed us a plastic spring he won at Luna Park when he was a little boy. He played a fishing game and the spring was the present he got. He was only 5 years ld and he loved it becaus it was colourful.

It streches like an accordion and it has a relaxing effect on Maxime who likes playing with it. This spring is quite clever because it can go downstairs on its own. But when it gets tangled up, Maxime calls his mother because she is more patient than him!



Jules’s object is a pig. It is green. It is fat. It is the King of Pigs in the game Angry Bird. You can tell it is a king because it has got a crown on its head. Jules got this pig when he was 7 years old. His parents bought it in a shop. Jules and his sister used to hide sweets in his nose.

It is a very messy teddy which loves sleeping in Jules’bedroom because Jules never tidies or cleans so his room is really dirty. The King of Pigs probably had a hard life because not long ago Jules notices that he had lost an eye. So now, it is a one eyed green ugly pig!