Presentation in english from Yannis

Hello miss Mastin. I’am Yannis Verkindère, I’am in 4èmeA. I’am 12 years old. I like English that’s why I wanted do to « Euro anglais ». I play ice hockey in the Wasquehal hockey club. I also play tennis behind the middle School, athletics with Mr Leroy and badminton with Mrs Arrestier. My father is Thierry, he is 53 years old. My mother is Valèrie, she is 48 years old. I have got a « Doudou », It’s my only friend in my little apartment. Maybe it’s this item that I will bring in the classroom for my SHOW AND TELL. But I don’t remember when it’s my turn. Good luck for this year.

Yannis Verkindère 4èmeA

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