5eme : activity 7


here is activity 7 :

You will listen to a record (enregistrement) by our American assistant, Michael, about the difference between schools in France and in the USA.

You must do the quiz :


In French : quand vous avez terminé le quiz, en validant, un code apparait : notez le bien quelque part. Comme ça, dès que je vous préviendrai, vous pourrez aller voir la correction.

Attention, c’est une évaluation qui comptera pour le 3e trimestre.

Good luck!

Mr Reis

4eme : activity 8

Hello everybody!

Here is activity 8.

You can do it until Monday.

1) Watch the following video completely :

2) Open the following document and follow the instructions  :

Word: Open office/ Libre office :

4eme Activity 8

or PDF :

4eme Activity 8

3) When you have finished, send your work (recording) to englishprof25@hotmail.fr or put it on discord

Good luck!

Mr. Reis