How to become a Laziest

Hey, we are the Laziest.

We really like to sleep, and be on our beds. We hate school because we have to wake-up early, and we can’t handle that. We also love watching TV, being on our phones and sometimes reading. But the most evil thing for us is sports. Like, who invented that torture ?!

We can’t be stressed, and be sporty. BUT we can still defend ourselves. Don’t underestimate the power of sleep.

We wear what ever we want, it can be hoodies, pyjamas, or even slippers. We like to stay in the shower for hours because it’s hot and we can sleep (we can sleep everywhere). We don’t really care about our hair, we just do what feels good. We don’t like wearing make-up because it is too hard and too long to put on.

We do whatever we want (that means nothing) and we are pretty cool and relaxed. We wouldn’t hurt you because it would be too tiring, and it’s the same about talking in your back. But be careful, even though we are lazy, if you hurt one of us, you’re dead.

If you want to join us, you must be friendly, you must be yourself. But most importantly, you have to follow our extraordinary slogan : « Sleep is love, Sleep is life »

Bye, take care, don’t be mean to others and remember to sleep !

Love y’all,

The Laziest

Sportif Essoufflé Banque d'images et photos libres de droit - iStock


How to become a Scientist

We are the Scientists.

We wear white coats, surgical masks, protection glasses, gloves and hygiene caps.

We like science, chemistery, technology and physics.

If you want to join the Scientists, you must be clever, you must have self-control and be accurate.

If you want to be a Scientist, you should like to learn and create new things.

The Scientists would be happy to get new members, so you’re welcome!

Comment renforcer l'intégrité scientifique des chercheurs ?


How to become a Writer ?

We are the Writers.

We wear old clothes and we always have tote bags. We like writing stories and reading a lot of books but we don’t like to read the schoolbooks.

We can write very often and a lot. We can’t sleep very much because we are always writing.

If you want to join the Writers, you must have a copybook and a pen and you must like reading too.

Also, you must have money if you want to buy books or copybooks.

Do you have imagination ?

If you do, welcome to the Writers’ group !


Le travail de l'écrivain... - Liste de 64 livres - Babelio


How to become an Artist

We are the Artists.

We wear large and colourful clothes.

We also wear aprons.

But we all have our own styles.

We have a lot of imagination.

We have our heads in the clouds.

We love open-minded people.

And we don’t have any favourite colour, we like all of them.

We must free our minds of everything.

We must not criticise other people’s art.

We need to be open-minded.

If you want to join the Artists, you will have to be creative.

This group will open its doors to you.


ARTS. Picasso volé dans un yacht à Antibes : l'incroyable chasse aux trésors des experts





– We like to show our lifestyles.

– We work together.

– We need our phones.

– We don’t like people who don’t work well together.

– We are always in a good mood.

– We wear beautiful clothes.

– If you want to join the Influencers, you should have a phone.

– We can’t show negative things.

– To join the group, you must have a minimum of 20 thousand subscribers.

– We can’t really talk about our private lives.



How to become a cyclist?

Hi, we are the cyclists, how are you? So you want to join us, right? Well… that’s possible obviously, but you need to make some efforts. Let’s talk about us. We wear shorts and T-shirts which are very skin-tight. Most of the time, our T-shirts are with shorts sleeves. We also have cycling helmets, of course. We wear trainers and sunglasses. We always have our bikes with us and protein drinks. We also have backpacks. We like cycling (of course) and to get up early. We don’t like concrete roads, we prefer mountain bikes to citybikes. We can’t stand lazy people, so if you are, you definitely can’t join our group. If you want to stay with us, you’re gonna build your personality up, because we are competitive, showy and womanizers. We also have qualities. We are nice, we have a very good balance and most of us are beautiful. Like everyone, we have talents. We can cycle very well and make figures. We can cycle without using our hands. Like everyone who can cycle actually… Anyway, if you want to join our group, you must have a bike. If you fulfil those conditions, you are the welcome among us! Here are some pictures which represent our group. Bye! See you soon!



Belle Et Heureuse Femme Cycliste Avec Un Vélo Sur La Nature. Mode De Vie Sain Et Sports. Loisirs Et Passe-temps | Photo Premium




Todo lo que debes saber si andas en bicicleta

How to become an Idol

We are the Idols, the stars of the school!

We are trendy, we wear sweat-shirts, trousers, shirts, shoes… We love fashion so much !

We are crazy about being celebrities, the stars of our school! And we so like to meet people.

There is one rule, don’t forget it : We mustn’t disrespect neither members of group nor members of other groups.

The members of our group are extremely well known, so we are perfect. Everyone loves us!

To join the Idols, you have to like to be famous, you must have beautiful clothes.

If you want to become a celebrity, come and join us!!!

How to become a doctor

You want to become a doctor? Listen to me and take notes!

We are the Doctors and our slogan is « we take care of the patients ».

We chose this slogan because we put ourselves in their shoes and we realised it’s not cool to be sick.

We like dancing and singing but we sing very badly. I think I dance well but my friend told me that I don’t, so I think he is jealous of me, I’m sure.

We wear white coats, the only clothes we have to wear, otherwise we choose what we want to wear.

We don’t like unpleasant patients.

If you want to join the Doctors, you ought to be kind with everybody but if you are aggressive with your patients, we don’t accept you in our clique !

We have no right to refuse a patient when he’s sick. But we can refuse a visit.


How to become a volleyball player

We are the volleyball players.

We like to play volleyball.

We don’t like to lose.

We wear shorts and vests.

We can wear glasses or contact lenses, but at our own risk.

We must regularly attend team training sessions.

We must justify our faults to our coach.