How to become a cyclist?

Hi, we are the cyclists, how are you? So you want to join us, right? Well… that’s possible obviously, but you need to make some efforts. Let’s talk about us. We wear shorts and T-shirts which are very skin-tight. Most of the time, our T-shirts are with shorts sleeves. We also have cycling helmets, of course. We wear trainers and sunglasses. We always have our bikes with us and protein drinks. We also have backpacks. We like cycling (of course) and to get up early. We don’t like concrete roads, we prefer mountain bikes to citybikes. We can’t stand lazy people, so if you are, you definitely can’t join our group. If you want to stay with us, you’re gonna build your personality up, because we are competitive, showy and womanizers. We also have qualities. We are nice, we have a very good balance and most of us are beautiful. Like everyone, we have talents. We can cycle very well and make figures. We can cycle without using our hands. Like everyone who can cycle actually… Anyway, if you want to join our group, you must have a bike. If you fulfil those conditions, you are the welcome among us! Here are some pictures which represent our group. Bye! See you soon!



Belle Et Heureuse Femme Cycliste Avec Un Vélo Sur La Nature. Mode De Vie Sain Et Sports. Loisirs Et Passe-temps | Photo Premium




Todo lo que debes saber si andas en bicicleta