How to become a Wizard…

Hi my name is Kitty and I’m the best wizard in the world!


Wizards are very demanding and practise magic. We wear long black dresses and pointed hats. We are fond of broomsticks, all shapes and colours.

We study in a wizardschool, Hogwarts. We have a lot of subjects: potions, witchcraft, etc.

I HATE MY POTION TEACHER! She is so strange.

We are very sociable: we love to talk with the Muggles and learn things about them.

The Wizards are talented. 

We eat pumpkins, sweets, especially lollipops.

We love adventures because we can use magic (but we can’t use magic out of the school).


Do you know what’s the Wizards’ slogan?

« Magic is all your life »!


In Hogwarts, we have four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.


So if you want to join the Wizards, you must practise magic, love black and study !!!


CUL and don’t forget : the Wizards are cooool.