How to become a superhero

Hi, I’m a member of the superhero club,

If you want to be a part of it too, just follow my advice :

Superheroes have a pretty accurate dress style, they wear costumes that are equipped with several gadgets. You must have a team spirit but however strategic. You also must have courage and obviously a super power! Always having a plan in mind is also required. To be able to save the world you must have a secret identity to not be recognized wherever you go.

There are, of course, bans : you do not have the right to reveal your secret identity and betray your colleagues. And you are forced to go on a mission with your costume, and use your super powers only for good.

If I can give you some advice to join this group, it would be to find yourself a quality that you could turn into a super power and to be confident !

Don’t forget to do what you want to do, make your dreams come true and trust yourself!!!


                                                     Good Luck and BYE !!!