How to become a Footballer

We are the Footballers.

We like sports and mainly football.

We wear shorts and tee-shirts in our team’s colour.

To join the Footballers, you must have football shoes and you mustn’t be lazy.

To join the Footballers, it is necessary to be motivated and sporty.

We would like to welcome new people, so you are welcome.

The most important thing is that you enjoy playing football and have a good time.

How to become a Dancer

We are the Dancers, we like dancing and listening to music.

We only wear comfortable clothes, suitable for dancing, like tracksuits and oversized clothes.

You must be creative and believe in yourself. You must have team spirit.

You can’t come and just do nothing. In the training room, you can’t wear the shoes that you wear outside of the training room.

If you want to join the Dancers, come to the audition and dance on a music that you like.

The most important thing is that you enjoy dancing and have a good time.




Cool kids

hello guys 

We are the Cool kids !

We are friendly, we wear hoodies with black pants.

If you want to join our group, first you need to follow these rules.

The key to being cool is :

  1. Be yourself, but don’t overdo it. …
  2. Understand that confidence is essential. …
  3. Don’t be loud, …..
  4. Dress the right way. …
  5. Have a good hygiene.

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Isn’t it cool ?  Résultat de recherche d'images pour "emojie"

So what are you waiting for ? Come and join our group/

thank you

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by _ laka.tenzin and ana.







How to become ZEUS

God is somebody who has all the power in the world.

To become Zeus you need to be perfect. You also need to be eaten by your father when you are a baby.

Don’t be afraid of the storm or anything else.

You have to be brave and strong.

If you become a God, Poseidon, Hades and other Gods will be your friends.

When you are a God, you have to wear a toga.
The Gods like to dominate humans, if you like equality you can’t be a God.
You need to have superpowers to be a God.
If your superpower sucks, you can’t be a God.
Beautiful looks increase your chances to be a God.
Being a God is very hard.


How to become a Pastafarist !

Hello ! We are Pablo and Nil, and we are the best Pastafarists !

Today, we’re going to teach you how to become like us (Pastafarists) ! 

If you want to be a Pastafarist, you have to wear a strainer on you’re head. Our god is a meatballpastagod, you have to pray for him every time while you’re eating pasta with meatballs. 

When you buy a new house, you have to make pastagod scultures in every corner of your house to bless it. And, every Monday, you have to dress and act like a pirate.


How to become a Yellow Vest

Hello !!!!! My clique is the Yellow Vests and you can join our group.

The Yellow Vests wear fluorescent yellow cyclist vests and they are from the popular class, usually car drivers. The group was created after the fuel taxes’ increase.

We block the main roads and ask for Emmanuel Macron’s resignation.

Today, we defend the abolition of taxes and the creation of a citizen parliament. We use strikes to express our discontentment.

To become a Yellow Vest, you need to have a yellow vest of course and to have a lot of free time.

It is forbidden to be violent and dangerous.

You must be involved and desperate.

The group has many slogans which are revolutionary and violent.

If you have all these qualities, well join our group !!!!!!!!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "gilets jaunes"

How to become a superhero

Hi, I’m a member of the superhero club,

If you want to be a part of it too, just follow my advice :

Superheroes have a pretty accurate dress style, they wear costumes that are equipped with several gadgets. You must have a team spirit but however strategic. You also must have courage and obviously a super power! Always having a plan in mind is also required. To be able to save the world you must have a secret identity to not be recognized wherever you go.

There are, of course, bans : you do not have the right to reveal your secret identity and betray your colleagues. And you are forced to go on a mission with your costume, and use your super powers only for good.

If I can give you some advice to join this group, it would be to find yourself a quality that you could turn into a super power and to be confident !

Don’t forget to do what you want to do, make your dreams come true and trust yourself!!!


                                                     Good Luck and BYE !!!

How to become a Wizard…

Hi my name is Kitty and I’m the best wizard in the world!


Wizards are very demanding and practise magic. We wear long black dresses and pointed hats. We are fond of broomsticks, all shapes and colours.

We study in a wizardschool, Hogwarts. We have a lot of subjects: potions, witchcraft, etc.

I HATE MY POTION TEACHER! She is so strange.

We are very sociable: we love to talk with the Muggles and learn things about them.

The Wizards are talented. 

We eat pumpkins, sweets, especially lollipops.

We love adventures because we can use magic (but we can’t use magic out of the school).


Do you know what’s the Wizards’ slogan?

« Magic is all your life »!


In Hogwarts, we have four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin.


So if you want to join the Wizards, you must practise magic, love black and study !!!


CUL and don’t forget : the Wizards are cooool.





How to become an Adventurer

Hi my name is Sara and I’m one of the members of the Adventure club.

We Adventurers must always be ready to go beyond a region we know by heart. Also we must have a faultless sense of direction : if you can’t locate North, South, East and West, you won’t go far! Adventurers have a sense of direction out of the ordinary! We’re also very honest, you must always keep your promises and that under any circumstances!

These are one of the first conditions to be an Adventurer!

Another condition to join the Adventurers: The dress style! To be an Adventurer worthy of the name, you must wear comfortable and resistant clothes for walking and for any situation (according to the weather, passageways, etc.).

Adventurers love challenges, especially trying to cross different areas. We hate to stay inactive! If you want to become an Adventurer, you must get used to go out at least once a day, whatever the weather is like. You must be curious about the environment around you. Also, you should try to eat light because you will struggle to walk if you feel heavy. The adventure can be done alone or with many people. And the best advice I can give you is to always be equipped with a camera : walking can lead you to discover breathtaking things!

If you are interested, let us know!

How to become a Hippie

Hello there ! Wanna join the Hippies ? If so, you should read this article.


To be a Hippie you’ll need to wear bright, colourful and vintage clothes. For example : flared trousers, bandanas and so on. Long hair is a must-have. We also do yoga twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays, during lunch time.

You will also need to be in peace with your inner self and to stay zen at all costs. We value peace, tranquility and equality. You can feel pain or anger but please don’t show it around us and try to get rid of it. Healthy food is not compulsory, but it would be better if you didn’t live only on burgers and tacos.

You can at least try to eat salad once, it won’t kill you. Listening to rap music or to anything loud and full of swearing is prohibited, we truly recommend you some old pop rock, like Janis Joplin or The Beatles. You will obviously need to act kindly and generously, and you’ll have to love others.

Some people would say you need to be on drugs constantly to be a Hippie but our answer would be that it’s absolutely wrong. The only drugs we take is happiness and acceptance.

If you’re still interested by joining us, let me know !


Yours truly, the most relaxed Hippy ever.