A medical scientist

A medical scientist has to study medecine.

He/She has to work in a research laboratory.

He/She can imagine theories.

He/She can make experiences.

He/She can speak English very well because he needs to be understood by every medical scientist all around the world.

He/She can’t be impatient because it is often a long way to get results.

He/She likes to use different tools and technologies.

He/She doesn’t like to run out of ideas.

A movie editor

A movie editor has to sit all day in front of a computer.

He/She also has to work hand in hand with the director.

A movie editor can handle an editing software.

A movie editor can be really patient and watch the same scene over and over.

A movie editor can’t return her/his work late.

A movie editor likes the art of cinema.

PC & Mac - Darty & Vous

Make-Up Artist

Make-Up Artist  

A make-up artist has to be creative, artistic and accurate.

A make-up artist likes makeup and doesn’t like bad quality.

A make-up artist can speak with the model .

A make-up artist can’t be dangerous with the model.

What is a shop assistant ?

A shop assistant has to welcome customers and give some advice.

He/She has to take care of the packing and accounting at the end of the day.

He/She can appreciate the products in the shop.

He/She has to like standing and moving all day.

He/She can’t steal from the register.









Working in a partnership



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A worker in a partnership has to be open-minded and speak to people.

A worker in a partnership likes to assist people.

A worker in a partnership can work from home if he/she wants to.

A worker in a partnership can’t be absent for a week except if he/she works alone.


A baker has to get up early.

He has to make tasty bread.

French President Macron backs calls for United Nations to ...

A baker likes and can make pastries.

He can make a bread dough.

Pâte à pain par Alain Ducasse

He has to give money back to the client.

Property Manager

A real estate agent has to trade apartments.

He likes haggling and he likes challenges.

A real estate agent can’t insult his customers and he can’t be late.

A real estate agent can speak very well, he can be serious and he can work on a computer.

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A Veterinarian has to be very available.

A Veterinarian has to have a good contact with people.Résultat d’images pour veterinarian

A Veterinarian likes animals.

A Veterinarian doesn’t like to be selfish.

A Veterinarian can listen.

A Veterinarian can be patient.Résultat d’images pour veterinarian

A Veterinarian can’t be allergic to animals.

A Veterinarian can’t abuse animals.


An Astrophysicist has to go to the observatory.

An Astrophysicist has to like communicating with strangers.

An Astrophysicist likes the galaxy, space, planets and stars.

An Astrophysicist doesn’t like to sit on a chair allday.

An Astrophysicist can observe the trajectory of stars.

An Astrophysicist can develop his research in space.

An Astrophysicist can’t lie on scientific theories.

An Astrophysicist can’t be lazy when he travels.

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The singer has to talk many languages.

He has to take care of his voice.

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The singer likes his fans and he likes singing.

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The singer can understand his voice.

He can play many instruments.

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The singer can’t forget his lyrics.

He can’t abuse his voice.

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