Jane Austen and the BBC

Jane Austen is always a literary phenomenon and her work cannot be overlooked thanks to the themes she talks about in her novels (criticism of the 19th century english society) .

However, she also found spectators at television thanks to very close adaptations of her novels by the BBC. We can note: Pride and Prejudice in 1995 which played a big role in Colin Firth‘s career, Emma in 1996 with Kate Beckinsale, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park and Persuasion in 2007, and Sense and Sensibility in 2008.

The creation of these adaptations relaunched the interest for Austen’s novels in United Kingdom like in other countries. A new form of tourism was created thanks to them: the Austenian tourism, which consists in visiting locations to follow in heroes’ footsteps.

Andrew Davis is the scriptwriter who adapted the largest number of novels for the BBC.


Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle in Pride and Prejudice (Simon Langton, 1995)

3 réflexions sur « Jane Austen and the BBC »

  1. The best adaptation of pride and prejudice I have ever seen! Funny thing to note: The actor who plays Mr Darcy (Colin Firth), also plays in Bridget Jones’s diary and he plays the role of…. Marc Darcy ! Coincidence ? I don’t think so…

  2. I also think that it’s the best adaptation of « Pride and Prejudices » which can exist! Even if it is long to look at, it’s worth the blow!

  3. This adaption is well made ! The reconstitution is realistic and it’s a good representation of the character’s society. But I was disturbed by the language; I don’t know if the characters use an old english or the « bbc » english but it was different that I expected !

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