Endgame, by Samuel Beckett.

Endgame is an one-act play written by Samuel Beckett in 1957. It count the story of four characters, three of them are disabled and one can go wherever he want, almost.

This play is very ambiguous, the dialogues are typical Beckett’s work, some lyrics are meaningless and not advance in the plot of the play, and there are a lot of silence and breaks, otherwise, 30% of the play is made of stage directions. Also, the play parody the conventions of classic theatre, in fact, the end of the play is tell at the beginning and, at several moments, the characters speak to the public to say that they are bored. Contrary to Waiting For Godot, this play don’t give way to humor at any moment, all the play is about death or disease.

This play is associated to the Theatre of the Absurd genre but the author denied any membership to any literary movements. It’s another weird creation by Samuel Beckett.

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