Charlie Chaplin or Charlot

Charlie Spence Chaplin (his real name) was born in 1889, and he died in 1977. Despite a complicated childhood, Chaplin became a famous actor at this epoque.—Charlie-Chaplin,

He started to ten years like a comedian in theatral, role after role, he begin to make name in business. He starts thanks these imitations of famous comics. It’s in 1918, he creates his studio with Douglas Fairbanks, Mary Pickford et D. W. Griffith. After these first movies like  The Immigrant (1917), The Kid (1921), The Gold Rush (1925), he brings a new dimension at the comedy. He isn’t enjoyed just for this acting abilities or his burlesque imagination, it was a first to treat social conditions with satirysme in movies.

Charlie Chaplin is known also thanks this ressemblance with Hitler. He played with, in The Great Dictator (1940), it’s a caricatural comedy on Adolf Hitler and his dictatorship (I advise to watch it). This blend between humour, and reality makes Chaplin’s movies masterpieces of a cinema. I advise also Modern Times (1936), I think this movie is timeless, and still relevant with our society.

Chaplin’s anecdote : In 1915, Charlie Chaplin is in London, he seen a look-alike competition of Charlot. He joins under a false name. Unfortunately he loses to the 25th place.

16 réflexions sur « Charlie Chaplin or Charlot »

  1. I like these movies, he is a very good actor. This is a person who is involved in the real causes.

  2. In my opinion Charlie Chaplin is the first greatest actor in cinema’s world… His character in The modern times is famous ans very funny !

  3. I think this is one of the actors who can make himself known for several generations even if he is dead.

  4. I will watch this movie, I wrote The Dictator in my movie list 😉 Otherwise I find Chaplin is a big icon for the cinema and he created an intelligent way to deal with social and governmental problem !

  5. Chaplin… A fantastic and spectacular actor, it’s true, but also a really great compositor: he created the soundtracks of most of his films!

  6. I think the most inspiring thing in Chaplin is that he came from a poor neighborhood in London, with his mother who became crazy because of her money problems, but even with that situation, he became one of the most famous actor of the world, and nobody would never forget him. Determination always wins !

  7. That’s kind of funny to finish 25th in a competition of the one who looks like the most to Chaplin while it’s the real Chaplin, I wonder what was his reaction

  8. If you like Charlie Chaplin, you should see the movies of Buster Keaton! Its a great actor who remembers Charlie Chaplin in his attitude and his mix of sad expressions and funny emotions. Then, there was a documentary about Charlot who was really interesting in october, I think you could see it on « arte replay ». It was a different vision of his life which was suggested to the audience.

  9. Seriously I never seen an actor that can reach his play level ; he was someone unique but a complicated person ; he had a lot of problems through his life and he never stopped to fight against his haters ; I really respect him.

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