» Animal Farm  » By G.Orwell

 » Animal Farm  » is a novel written by George Orwell published for the first time in England on 17 August 1945. The book is a cover of the events that took place in Russia and specially the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Thanks to this book, he denounce Joseph Stalin‘s regime. It is a political satire, it is echoed of the story of Nineteen eighty-four, another Orwell’s novel on the same subject.

In this book, Orwell shows originality basing all his hard story on talking animals. The scene take place in a manor, like a big farm. These are two pigs, very respect of other animals, that will start their own « revolution ». They dream of a world without humans to enjoy many benefits.Then the oldest pig will push all the animals to rebel against the farmer, Mr. Jones, the only source of all their problems. Therefore the revolution occurs. One night after, the lack of food causes anger of all animals. They attack Mr. James and hunt the farm. The farm is recalled « Animal Farm ». The new leaders are quickly identified: Napoleon pigs and snowball. Both will create a political system: Animalism. They write the seven principles of this system :

  1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
  2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
  3. No animal shall wear clothes.
  4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
  5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
  6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
  7. All animals are equal
At the beginning this new sytem contents all animals, everything works for the best. It there’s food for everyone, there is no slavery But gradually the system will drift. The pigs start walking on their hind legs, wearing the clothes of Jones and watching the works of other animals, a whip in his paw, like humans. They also make the farm to its original name of « Manor Farm ». One evening, they invite the farmers at the farm and they dealing with us. It remains just one principle in their regime :  » All animals are equal but some are more equal than others « .  At the end of the story, we can not even see the difference between humans and two pigs.
George Orwell‘s story is a clear comparaison with the Stalinist’s regime in Russia.

Thanks to the use of the aniamls he can easily denounced the Russian’s power safely.

For example, he associate the pig Napoleon to the dictator Stalin.

Une réflexion sur «  » Animal Farm  » By G.Orwell »

  1. I liked this movie, not because of the story or that kind of thing , but because it makes me laugh to see animals talk like humans.

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