Pulphead (Chronicles)

We have all of books since long time who aren’t read. For my part, I have Pulphead of John Jeremiah Sullivan published in 2013. And you, have you like me, a book who isn’t read ?

So in my book it’s only little stories on all topics. It begins in a rock’s festival christian, then we travel in south america. We can have of stories of celebrities like Michael Jackson. During fourteen chronicles we enter in the culture pop, scientific, or literary. According criticisms, this book is a portrayal of « the american culture ». This writer did with successful different emotions in all these stories. Moreover John Jeremiah Sullivan uses real facts and veritable informations. Now you too, go read these books you have since long time.

3 réflexions sur « Pulphead (Chronicles) »

  1. Maybe the better way to discover the culture of a whole country -in his complexity, and with several points of view- is to read some short stories as you said. If it deals with the culture pop and literature, (the scientific sides of America must not really interest me) this book may interest me!

  2. I have so many book I didn’t read in my shelves… I take time to read them even if it’s a bit difficult because of the study ! Today, I read The Adevntures of Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle ! 🙂

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