Terrorist – John Updike

I recently discovered a book by an American author about terrorism.

About the auhor : John Updike was born in 1932 in Pennsylvania. Author of fifty-four books, he has stopped seeing his works awarded since the publication of his first novel in 1958

 »Terrorist » is one of many novel following the attacks of 11 September 2001.

The story takes place un New Prospect, a poo suburb close to Manhattan. Ahmad Mulloy, a young talented high school, son of an Aymeric-Irish and abandoned by his Egyptian’s father, becomes a fanatic Islamist under the influence of the local imam.
His guidance conselor will try to away from it and to enroll in University. But other characters will try to handle him. What will be the choice of Ahmad ?

John Updike, with his distaste of our time and his misanthropy, give us a portrait of a distraught america faced with fundamentalist Islam.

I haven’t read this book yet but it’s interresting. I recommend it !

2 réflexions sur « Terrorist – John Updike »

  1. The thematic of the novel is very interesting! As you, I don’t have read this book but perhaps if I will have some time I will read it

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