Girl Online, Zoe Sugg. 2015

Zoe Sugg, the author of Girl Online, is better known under the pseudonym Zoella. Zoella has a Youtube channel since 6 years. But her book is not an autobiography.

It tells the story of a girl, Penny, who through his blog recounts her problems. Throughout history we recognize some aspects of Zoella’s life and people around her. We find, through her writing, her energy and her humorous expressions. Penny is an English young schoolgirl and reserved. She decided to open a blog anonymously under the pseudonym Girl Online to tell her teenage life, expressing subjects that allow everyone to find a little them in it and to learn to accept themselves.

I really loved this book, even if the author is not a writer.

Une réflexion sur « Girl Online, Zoe Sugg. 2015 »

  1. « Zoella » is one of my favorite youtubers, and I loved her book ! The second part of this book called  » Girl Online On Tour  » just came out and I can’t wait to see what happened to Penny !

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