« Ellana » by Pierre Bottero

Today , I’m going to speak about a novel entitled « Ellana » (an trilogy) written by Pierre Bottero .

It’s a fantasy novel with a lot of suspens and talk about a youg girl Ellana .
Ellana is an orphan and was raised by little creature in a forest , Then she left to see the world and living her life , she lived few years in a poor city with other orphan and she learned to fight .

One day she met Sayanel lyyant he suggest Ellana to became a « Marchombre » , she accept and she became the apprentice of Jilano Alhuïn .
Is she going to follow her fate?
It is the beginning of a great adventure . It’s a sad story and the end is very touching .

I have loved read this Trilogie because there are a lot of suspens and if we start to read we can’t stop and we felt the need to continue .
I recommend it for all people who like fantasy novels .

Une réflexion sur « « Ellana » by Pierre Bottero »

  1. Blandine that’s great, I thought I was the only one who read this serie! I enjoyed it a lot, so much that I was constantly thinking about it afterwards haha 🙂 My biggest regret is that the author died…I loved the stories he wrote so much! We should talk about « Ellana » later! Another subject to discuss 😉

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