Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

Today I will present you Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind . It is an American movie directed by a french director : Michel Gondry, in 2004.
It tells the story of the original and crazy Clementine, played by Kate Winslet, and the shy and reserved Joël played by Jim Carrey. This two opposite people will live a love story until the day where Clementine erases all her memories of Joël because she thinks she’s unhappy with him.To do that she asks for help to the clinic Lacuna where Dr Mierswiac created a prototype to erase memories.
When Joël understand this he’s destroyed and decides to do the same thing for not to suffer. However, when the operation begins he wants to stop everything but this is impossible. Then, undertakes a fight between Joël who wants to keep his memories and the Lacuna’s prototype.

I love this movie because it reminds us of the importance of memories and the power of love. Joël is a very touching character because he commits a menatl fight and he doesn’t give up to keep his memories intact. The theme of the memory is important in cinema history because we can say that memories are a a real part of ourselves and without them we lose something of our personality, we are not ourselves anymore.There is also a lot of suspens we dont’t know how this story will be ending until the last minutes. I watched this film first because of the title. Indeed I find it fascinating and beautiful! Moreover, Kate Winslet is a great actress and it’s always a pleasure to watch her playing.

I hope you enjoyed my article and if you have already watch this film what do you think about it ?

2 réflexions sur « Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind »

  1. Memories are so mysterious and important, it’s an interesting theme. I look forward to watching it after your article !

  2. I’ve seen this film so many times! I think I will never get tired of it ahah. I am a huge fan of Jim Carrey. And Kate Winslet is such a beautiful and talented actress ! Both characters (and also actors?) are touching. 😉

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