Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump it’s a film directed in 1994 by Robert Zemeckis. He is an Americain director, Producer and writer. Forrest Gump it’s a comedy drama.

Forrest Gump is an young americain with a low I.Q. The film follows his life. Forrest grows up with his best friend, Jenny. He loves her. All his life Forrest has a good intentions. He did many things like japan war. Forrest follows his dreams. All the movie Forrest Gump running, it’s his passion. « Forrest Gump » is the story of a man who struggled to his challenges, and who proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than cerebral ability. 

« Forrest Gump » it’s an amazing film, very interesting. It’s a lesson of tolerance. It’s an emotional film. I loved the story and Forrest’s character. « Forrest Gump » it’s a classic movie and I think all the people must see this movie.

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