Women’s season – Leena Yadav

Women’s season is a movie created by Leena Yadav in 2015. This movie deal with emancipation of the women in India. The scene take place « in our time » like we can see at the beginning of the movie. This movie shows that how the women in India are treated, with violence, defiance and no respect.  In a small village, four women dare to oppose the men and the ancestral tradition. A widow, a fifteen years old girl  forced into mariage, a hooker, and a young lady who can’t had baby.

We follows these 4 strong women, who leaved hell to the everyday life, and who support themselves between her. It’s a very. It’s a very beautiful movie, who give us an opportunity to consider the women’s condition.

2 réflexions sur « Women’s season – Leena Yadav »

  1. I watched it too and I think this movie was really amazing. Even if the main story is very dark, there is a lot of humour that makes it easier to watch. But I also cried at times and I was really touched by this film. I think every girl should see it because it makes us realize how lucky we are to live in great conditions !

  2. I heard a lot about this film and I would like to watch it as well, even more now that I read your article! Is there a character that you find even more touching, although I guess they all are in their own ways? 🙂

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