The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a famous novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson in 1886. The story is about Dr Jekyll who is a nice man, very appreciate of everyone, great friend of Mr Utterson (a london notary), and Mr Hyde, a monstrous man, with a scary and repulsive face.
In this novel full of suspense, Mr Hyde is the double personality of Dr Jekyll who created a drug to separate his good side of his bad side. But it didn’t work and night after night it’s Hyde who takes over.

I love the stories with suspense and when a character have a dark side, so I really love the plot!

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde also been adapted in cinema, in theater, on TV, in comics, in songs and into video games.,204,203,200_.jpg


5 réflexions sur « The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde »

  1. We have studied it in class, and it was a very nice story, dark, but nice.
    We need more stories like that right now !

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