
Today, I gonna talk about the book Divergent written by Veronica Roth.

In a world where the society is divided in five faction (Audacious, Learned, Altruistics, Sincere and Fraternal) Beatrice Prior (her nickname is Tris) , who is come from the Altruistics, choose the Audacious’ faction. But during her ability’s test ,which is before the Choice Ceremony, she learns that she is a divergent and her secret can kill her because Divergent are considered like an ennmy. During the story we follow Tris in her adventure like an Audacious, her sentimental’s story with her instructor Four, and her fight to save her life but also to discover the secret that Leaders want hide.
I love this Veronica Roth’s book because Tris is an amazing character like an heroine but in the same time she is sensible, she has to make choice as we all and that makes her approachable. We can identify with her very easily. Indeed she is very strong but she has also many weaknesses.
This book ist the first of a trilogy and they two others is also exellents. The two first volumes have been adapted for the cinema and now I am waiting the third which will be avalable in march 2016.

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