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Ibeyi – River

You can listen again and watch the video of the song River by Ibeyi, have fun ! [youtube][/youtube]

Catégories: 3eme, 4eme | Laisser un commentaire

Class President – Lizzie McGuire

Hello class ! To watch the end of the episode of Lizzie McGuire click on the link bellow : [youtube][/youtube] Enjoy and may English be with you !

Catégories: 3eme, 4eme | Laisser un commentaire

Welcome to your English blog !!!

Welcome to your english blog ! Hope it will help you to discover the English planet ! Click on this link to hear a voki character says welcome ! And remember : : 

Catégories: 3eme, 4eme, 5eme, Non classé | Laisser un commentaire