

Hello, I will introduce you to my life in Ireland, the personal and the professional sides.

I’m doing my internship in Intersport. For the moment, I like it. I’ve been able to speak with the employees and the managers. They are all very nice people. I communicate a lot with them and have integrated well with the whole team.

I also like the work they’re doing there. I was able to unpack the deliveries, put security tags on, put the clothes on hangers, check the prices, put the sizes and then put the clothes on shelves. I also had several opportunities to help some customers. 

I am very comfortable with my host family. Their names are Valerie and Adrien, they are very nice and want to help us as soon as possible. I had some trouble to understand them with the accent at first, but it’s getting better. In the house where I am, there are currently two other people. A 19-year-old student named Robin, who’s here for two months to do an internship, he’s American. There is also a Croat named Soni who has been with them for 12 months, he is 40 years old. He is there to learn medicine, by working at the Galway hospital. They also have a little dog called Poppy, which is very cute.

Apart from that, I meet every night the other French friends of the Galway trip. Last weekend, on Saturday, we visited Salt Hill, and we visited an aquarium, which was not one of the best. Then we went to have fun at a funfair. On Sunday we found ourselves in Tuam, we quickly visited and then we went to sit in a park quietly.

The glaring difference here compared to France is their open-mindedness, they are very cool, do not judge, do not criticize. What also surprised me is that the family meals here are separated, everyone eat in their corner whenever they want. It’s special.

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