Fév 19 2014


Some interesting games here

Nov 14 2013

Speed Steam and Rain by Turner

Click on this link to see the painting. 

Nov 14 2013

Mind Map HERO -tle L

here is the mindmap we did today in class

mind map – L_

Nov 12 2013

The Raven – Literature

You can read the whole poem and its translation: poe translation

Have a look at the video again.

Juin 11 2013

Twisted fairy tales contest

And the winners are…

In 2nde9 the winners are the group of Charlotte, Nina and Souad!

Second and third: Amélia, Ariane, and Jade    and           Clara, Emma, Justine & Marine

In 2nde 10 the winners are the group of Léa, Pauline & Manon

Second and third: Betty, Laura, & Chloé    and          Céline, Jessica, Océane &Mélina

Congratulations to all of you for the good work! and enjoy your summer holiday 🙂

Jan 14 2013

Social networks – visual documents- Tle ST2S

here are the documents we worked on:

the cartoon:


the ad

Jan 2 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Best wishes fo 2013! May this year bring you lots of success and happiness.

Juin 25 2012

Happy Summer Holidays!!

Have a nice summer holidays everyone! and good luck to the 3e for the brevet!!