Nov 23 2017

Oral understanding – Training- BGT

Here are some good websites to train your ears:

Avr 8 2016

Irregular verbs – another rap song

Yes, it’s possible to have fun with irregular verbs 😉

So HAVE FUN learning and listening


Avr 6 2016

3e- April Fools Pranks of 2016

Best pranks of 2016


New glasses by Google


What do you think about these glasses?

Avr 1 2016

3e- April Fools’ Pranks

Watch the best April Fools’ Pranks of 2015
April Fool’s gag or real science? take this quiz

Another quiz about this tradition

Mar 17 2016

3e – Banksy – Slave Labour and the Simpsons

Here is a link to see the graffiti we studied together

and the video



Mar 1 2016

3e2 – the scary bat…

we will remember the story of the bat….
here is a scary video of a bat… 😉

Fév 28 2016

3e- Active or passive forms

Some exercises about passive and active forms:

  • Exercises: choose ex 1  ex 2
  • Rewrite the sentences into the passive form ex 1 (different tenses) ex 2 (simple present)  ex 3 (simple past)
  • a test

Jan 31 2016

Irregular verb list and audio

Go on this website to listen to the irregular verbs of your list